Discover: Lands Unknown Review

One small step for man, one giant leap for cardboard. It turns out that identical components are so yesterday and 2018 is the dawning of unique games, lovingly handcrafted by the modern dominant sentient life force - the algorithm. Here at NPI we always welcome our new overlords so we were more than excited to dissect the very first unique board game (technically first, as KeyForge is a trading card game) only partially created by humans. Make room! Make room! For it is truly a sight to behold.

Star Wars: Legion Review

When it comes to deep dives we're used to submerging into strategy, untangling what a game can offer mechanically. But when Asmodee got in touch with an offer of a review copy of Star Wars: Legion, I (Efka) decided that my deep dive with this game will be of a different variety.

Forbidden Stars Video Review

Elaine and Efka finally meet on the field of battle and, like true philosopohers, instead of fighting with bolter pistols they tackle the important questions in life. Like, how DOES a Space Marine poop? Find out in our review of Forbidden Stars.