Battle for Rokugan Review
Stands With the Best of the Year
It's not exactly brain surgery but this light abstract tile drafting game might just spin your head into a twist.
Stacking silly meeples? Check. Loud circus music? Check. A dead elephant? Check check check.
This isn't a game. This is a whole continent. No, really.
Efka takes a wrong turn downtown and comes back home with a board game he couldn't ref... no I'm sorry I can't do this.
All the Gen Con. Right here. Right now.
We're not gonna mince words. There's some sexy train science in this review. That's all you need to know.
Welcome to Mars. Settle in and take a break because there's a lot of work to do. And the first thing on the list - watching this board game review!
Five games to play with that special someone.
Efka reviews the board game where it's time to shush. Seriously, everyone. Just shush.
Elaine and Efka take you on a journey - a board game review journey and the board game in question is Near and Far.
Elaine and Efka review Runewars Miniatures Game - the next wallet destroyer from Fantasty Flight Games.
Efka reviews Kemet, because Kemet is very very good. Here's why.
Efka gives you the lowdown on possibly one of the most depressing board games in existence. Aside maybe from Fluxx.
We think Yokohama is great but we'd also like to talk for about thirteen minutes and twenty eight seconds as to the whyness.